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No breedings expected in the near future.

"Nia", BIS MBOSS MBISw Am GCHS / Int CH Darkenwald Warmest Koinonia with Shainakees, HOF has been bred twice with the goal of obtaining the KCA title ROM which means that she has produced 7 CHAMPIONS.
   Her first litter of 5 sired by CH Jo-Lyn's "Runner" have all completed their Championships!
  She has recently been bred to group winner, CH Cut To the Chase, "Cutter" and has had 2 girls, one "Nami" (Blue in picture) going to co-owner Rev Ruthann Seibert in PA, and the other, "Skye" going to breeders in Colorado. You will hear more about them later as they begin their show careers.



cutter group i wachusett kc 8-09 ROM_edi
NIA BOS TKE 2022_edited_edited.jpg
Nia New Champion_edited.jpg
Nia BOS CKC 3-16-2024_edited.jpg

                  Here are pictures of some previous litters and Puppies.

The pictures immediately below are some pictures taken from our 2023 litter of 5 puppies between Nia and Runner. This was Darkenwald's "C" litter (third time around) and the Shainakees "M" litter. 


Earlier litters and puppies.

Ginny's N Litter_edited_edited.jpg
Icy with pups at 1 week of
Ron with Whimsy_edited.jpg
Purple boy before going to Kathy Easter_
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