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Dogs of the Present
BIS MBOSS MBISw Am GCHS / Int CH Darkenwald Warmest Koinonia with Shainakees HOF
Bred and owned by Suzette Lefebvre & Rev Ruthann Seibert
DOB 10/26/2018
Once I finished Nia's sister Whimsy's Championship when they were a year old, it was time for Nia to shine. I brought her out in the classes, and she was owner handled, to her CH, her GCH, her Bronze GCH, her first three owner handled BOSS Specialty show wins, and she was more than halfway to her Silver GCH with most of requirements fulfilled for her KCA HOF.
This paid off as Nia was awarded the Top Member Owned Keeshond of the Opposite Sex in the country for the year 2020 by KCA!
I decided at this time I needed help to complete my final goal as my back was giving me more problems and I did not want to hinder Nia, as I knew she needed the Group placements I would not be able to deliver her the way I was feeling.
We solicited the help of our friend and handler extraordinaire. Wade Koistinen to help.
He showed Nia at the 2021 KCA National Specialties where she took BOS at the first show, and an Award of Merit at the second show. He again showed her at the 2022 National where she took another AOM and BOS in the Top 20 Kees Event and she was tied for the Top Winning Member Owned Show Kees Show Bitch in the country (even though she was just shown a bit over 2 months!) Wade guided Nia to her 5th BOSS Specialty show win also that year as well as and to a BEST IN SHOW!
2023 Nia gave us a lovely litter of 5 puppies, so she was not shown much. When her lovely coat did return, she was taken to the Capital Kees Specialty where she took her 6th BOSS award as well as a Select Bitch award.
In March '24, after growing her coat back from having puppies, Nia was shown by Suzette at the Capital Keeshond Club Specialty Show, and she was awarded Best of Opposite Sex, giving her the 7th such award, she has been awarded!
We are so very proud of this dog!
(And she could not be a sweeter companion to Ron and me....we treasure her so!)

Nia's OFA page is HERE
Bisw Am CH Darkenwald Whimsical Asset
"Whimsy" (litter sister to Nia)
born 10/26/2018
(bred by Suzette Lefebvre & Rev Ruthann Seibert, now co-owned and living with loving breeder friends, Talli & Dan Brown at Keetomyheart Keeshonden)
Whimsy is sired by RBIS MBISS BOSS MBISw BVSw Am GCHS/ BIS Can CH / BIS Int CH / UKC CH Shainakees Abundant Asset Is Mercy, HOF ROM "Mercy".
She finished her AKC Championship at just one year of age being awarded Best in Puppy Sweepstakes at the Capital Keeshond Club Specialty show and finished with 3 major awards.

MBISw Am CH Bonovox Silver Lining of Darkenwald
(Bred by April Guentensperger, now co-owned & living with loving friends)
born 2/27/2014 -

Am CH Darkenwald Gold Leaf Design
Born 6/9/2009 -
Thanks to Stacy Thelfall for expertly handling Desi to her CH. including a WB award at the Empire Keeshond Club Specialty Show!
(Yes, one of the periods I was disabled from hand surgeries and unable to show my own dogs.)
Born here at Darkenwald, now owned by a loving couple nearby.

Dogs Of The Past
We are so pleased here at Darkenwald to have had three dogs with the title bestowed on them by the Keeshond Club of America of "ROM." (Register of Merit). This means that each has sired at least 13 champions or been the dam to 7 champions!
Am CH KoAnne Darkenwald Blue Velvet
Bred by Heather Crooks, owned by Suzette & Ron Lefebvre
("Luxy" was a 'puppy back' from the litter since our stud dog "Turbo" was used for the breeding.)
Shown to her CH by Michael and Stacy Work (now Threlfall) while I was out with more hand surgeries, LOL.
Thanks so much for your help!
Luxy is the foundation behind may of our current stars of today such as "ROWDY."
Born 10/29/2005

BVSw Am / Can / Int CH Darkenwald Cut to the Chase, ROM
Shown to his Am CH by Stacy Work, to his Can CH by Amanda Lougheed, and was owner handled to his Int. CH. by Suzette
5/27/2006 - 2/8/2019

Am CH Darkenwald Black Ice, ROM
4/4/2006 - 6/30/2021

Am CH SouthCar's Sunkist Darkenwald, ROM "Sunny"
Bred by Lynne Hewitt, lovingly owned by Suzette & Ron Lefebvre & Lynne Hewitt
"Sunny was a 'puppy back' from the litter since our stud dog "Solo" had been used for the breeding.)
8/23/2001 - 4/17/2017
"Sunny" was Ron and my "heart" dog. For us, no other will ever come close to her. She could read our thoughts, was completely trustworthy off lead, never touched any snacks I had left out even though I know she would have liked to. If there was any dog worthy of cloning, it would have been she. We surely do miss you sweet girl!

BOSw Am/ Can CH Darkenwald Aragorn
9/24/2004 - 6/11/2019

Am CH Darkenwald Inspiration for Shainakees
Bred and owned by Suzette & Ron Lefebvre
5/21/2010 - 5/15/2023

Am / Can CH KoAnne Darkenwald True Rewards
(Bred by Heather Crooks, loving owned by Suzette & Ron Lefebvre)
Cassidy was a 'puppy back' from the litter since our stud dog "Solo" had been used for the breeding.)
I went to the Canadian National Specialty Show in 1999 where Heather had Cassidy entered in the puppy sweepstakes under American breeder judge Joan Magliozzi. She won the Sweepstakes that day! I was on cloud nine. She came home with me the same weekend!
8/21/1998- 6/25/2013

Am CH Darkenwald All Hands on Deck CD CGC
10/26/1985 - 10/24/1998
Decker was one of our smartest dogs in early years, excelling in Obedience, and was owner handled to Group wins and placements.

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